29 October 2010

Veritas LIV

Today's Truth:  Melatonin does not work (for me).

26 October 2010

Veritas LIII

Today's Truth:  Listing everything you own on eBay is extremely tedious.

18 October 2010

Veritas LII

Today's Truth:  Magnesium is great for sinus headaches/migraines.  

14 October 2010

Veritas LI

Today's Truth:  Half-Caff is a Laugh. 

11 October 2010

Veritas L

Today's Truth:  Monday always comes too early.  Especially when you wake up at 2:14 am and never get back to sleep.

07 October 2010

Veritas XLIX

Today's Truth:  Melatonin only works if you take it.  

06 October 2010

Veritas XLVIII

Today's Truth:  An eight-year-old can make her own lunch - and mine too!

03 October 2010

Veritas XLVII

Today's Truth:  Wine is good.  Good wine is better.  Great wine is awesome.